December 15, 2008


My avatar at the BBC Canada looks like a dancing penis or dildo!!!!

The insanity has begun!!!

Babycenter is officially shutting its old door tonight. Its kind of funny to see everyone scramble to find a place to go. Like someone posted on the board tonight, its very much like the end of Titanic. lol Everyone running screaming for the life boats while the band plays in the background.

It will be interesting to see how this new Canada board works out. The ladies over there are prolly like "WTF? These American bitches are CRAZY!!!!!" LMFAO!!!!!!

December 02, 2008

Tuesdays suck.

Its hubbies boys night and tonight it happens to be in MY basement. UGH! I'm on my second bottle of wine, almost ready for my third. :O) The kids are in bed with movies and I've got some ME time. I'll have to see if I still have some wacky tobacky that dh gave me a few weeks ago. I hid it in my Lotrimin 7 box. LOL He would never touch my yeast cream. LMFAO!!!!

November 28, 2008

Gettin' fucked!

Just thought I would share. I'm really drunk and plan on getting fucked so hard! :O)

November 17, 2008

Depression sucks....

So the main reason I started this blog is to help deal with my depression. I need a place to get out all the crazy shit flying thru my head.

I see a psychiatrist, but I'm never totally honest with her. I'm on meds and do feel good on them. But..... there is always this underlying shit. Those thoughts I never speak up about. Even on a good day I can be driving along and there is this one curve that if you just went straight, you would crash into this pond/swamp. Its off the expressway so someone doing that would be going at least 70mph. In the back of my head this voice says "it would be so easy....." Even on a good day I want to stay in bed. I often make all these commitments and then later am terrified to go at all. I have even used my kids and kept them home from school before just to get out of things. I just want to hide in my house and never go out. When I do go out I have to force myself.

Its so easy to just not take my meds. I start to enjoy feeling so shitty. In some ways its just like another excuse to be lazy and not do anything.

Sometimes I think that I wouldnt care if something happened to me. Not that i would do something to hurt myself. Just that I wouldnt mind getting hurt and having to be in the hospital. Just to be lazy and nothing to deal with. I broke my toe and foot a few years ago and it was great. I could be lazy all I wanted with a real excuse. How sad is that?

I'm thinking that maybe I should be more honest with my psych next month. Tell her how crazy psycho I really am. I wish I could get disability for depresson and anxiety. whenever I think about going back to work I totally panic and have a melt down. You probably have to already be working though to get disability for that, huh?

Depression sucks.....

Snow and fire!

Its snowing right now and its soooooo beautiful! I love it when those huge flakes come floating down. When it just starts to cover everything white. SO pretty! I have the princess home sick today so we made a nice fire to snuggle by. I love gettin' cozy by the fire. :O)

November 16, 2008

Babycenter is about to implode......BOOM!!!!

Well its official. Babycenter has gone to hell in a handbasket. Its like now that they have announced the end is near, all those bitches have lost their ever lovin’ minds. There are fights over the stupidest shit going on over there. Apparently someone needed help last night and cried out to the board for help. Well, they may have saved someone’s life. I think that’s pretty fucking amazing! Now someone is bashing the ones that actually helped! Does that make any sense at all??? What the fuck is wrong with people?!?!

November 15, 2008

Is it too early for a drink?

OMFG! These kids are driving me mad today! Hubs is working, I have a migraine and the princess is doing everything she can to piss me off. Well, its working! Is it too early for a bottle of wine? Maybe two bottles????

Why do people show their stupidity?

I swear there are so many people on BBC that just make me say "what the fuck?" Its like they have no brain or they just have no sense at all. The election threads were especially entertaining with people spewing lies about each candidate. NOw that BBC is coming to an end I wonder if we will go down in a huge ball of flames. lol I think it already is. I never thought I would say it, but I think I'm turning into one of those bitchy mean girls. lol I dont give a shit anymore what people think. I'm going to start posting what i really think...

November 14, 2008

No fucking viewers!

Its official! I am the most boring person in the whole fucking world! I put a hit counter on here and I have not had even ONE visitor! Okay, so it says 'one' on the counter, but it has said 'one' since the moment I put it on this site. This is going to be great for my self confidence. :P


Yes, I have my very own addiction. I wait until the kids go to school and I indulge. Its so bad. I get so lazy. I'm sure this is why my house is a mess most days. LOL What is my addiction, you ask? Hmmmm, could it be Coca-Cola? or something much stronger? Hmmmm, Guess you may never know!

November 11, 2008

Can You believe this shit?

Have you seen that new show The Doctors? I happened to catch it the other day. They were talking about drugs and alcohol in teens. They said three things that just blew me away.

1. Women are soaking tampons in vodka and inserting them in their vag and their ass. I guess it gets you drunker faster because it doesnt get processed thru the liver. Can you say "WHAT THE FUCK???????"

2. Teens are doing beer bongs up their asses. Again "WHAT THE FUCK????" I know they did it on Jackass. But come on. So is this how teen parties go now? "hey man whats up? are you ready to drop your pants and spread your cheeks?" LMFAO!!!!! I guess its that getting drunker faster thing.

3. Teens are doing Vodka Snorts. Its as simple as it sounds. They snork vodka. Say it with me now..... "WHAT THE FUCK?????"

Are you freakin' kidding me????

So, we just got back from Kohls where we got new sneakers for the princess. The whole point of getting her new sneakers is that she complains that her old ones "feel funny". So we are finally driving home (30mins from kohls) when she says "My new sneakers feel tight." Are you fucking kidding me???? Oh. My. Fucking. God. I could kill her...

I also need to bitch about Kohls having no damn shopping carts. I think they have like 10 carts for the whole store. And then to see the old ladys pushing around the stroller carts. GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! I had to carry one of the store bags and I had to stuff it with THREE winter boot boxes plus all the other shit I picked up. I seriously kept knocking shit down as I walked by. lol


Its just another day here. The rugrats are off school today which makes for a very looooooong day. We really need to head to kohls, but we've been way too lazy still in our jammies at 10:15am. lol

Actually I'm always a lazy shit. I hate getting dressed. I hate cleaning. I am a stay at home mom and I hate to clean. lol My house is always a mess, and I really dont care. If hubby wants it clean he can do it himself.

Off to spend lots of money we dont have! :O)

November 10, 2008

Remind me why I wanted kids???

I swear my kids are like night and day. My son is this perfect kid. He does well in school. He is very well behaved and always has been. He does what he's asked most of the time without argument.
My daughter on the other hand is a living nightmare. She never listens. She is constantly pushing me. She gets violent. She gets into EVERYTHING! She seriously drives me insane. She knows how to push my button to get me mad. Its like this long chain of events like this...

First she gets mad cause I ask her to drive her squeeky car in the other room. Its giving me a headache and we cant hear the TV. She throws a big tantrum yelling "NO".

After warnings that she needs to stop she gets put into her room for a time out.

While in her room she throw things.
Slams the door several times.
Squirts vapo-rub lotion on her jewelry box.

So she gets put into a chair for time out instead.

She keeps shaking the damn chair. I'm afraid she will break the ladder back off my good chair.

She kicks me.
She hits me.
She spits at me.
She calls me a stupid idiot.

So, she does all of this just to push my buttons. She does it knowing it will make me angry.

I'll be the first to admit that i have a rage problem. I am known to scream my fucking head off when I am mad. This kid drives me mad! I actually called hubby crying yesterday and told him that i was so angry I wanted to hurt her. I wouldnt hurt her and I havent ever hurt her. But, boy, does she make my feel like hurting her when she behaves like that.

random bullshit....

So, have you ever imagined how it would feel to drive your car into a bridge? or drive your car straight into a semi-truck head on? These are the kinds of things that I think about often. Depression really sucks. Its sad, but people like me can never tell other people their true thoughts and feelings.