December 15, 2008


My avatar at the BBC Canada looks like a dancing penis or dildo!!!!

The insanity has begun!!!

Babycenter is officially shutting its old door tonight. Its kind of funny to see everyone scramble to find a place to go. Like someone posted on the board tonight, its very much like the end of Titanic. lol Everyone running screaming for the life boats while the band plays in the background.

It will be interesting to see how this new Canada board works out. The ladies over there are prolly like "WTF? These American bitches are CRAZY!!!!!" LMFAO!!!!!!

December 02, 2008

Tuesdays suck.

Its hubbies boys night and tonight it happens to be in MY basement. UGH! I'm on my second bottle of wine, almost ready for my third. :O) The kids are in bed with movies and I've got some ME time. I'll have to see if I still have some wacky tobacky that dh gave me a few weeks ago. I hid it in my Lotrimin 7 box. LOL He would never touch my yeast cream. LMFAO!!!!